Home Remarks Page 4


Remarks: Conservatism

Back in the January issue, my Remarks outlined how I try to look at my flying choices through the lens of an accident report...

Expectation Bias

Years ago when I moved into a new neighborhood, I was exploring different routes to drive to my new house. After only a short...

Remarks: How’s That Look?

Sometimes we stretch the regulations, or worse, common sense. Some examples include VFR weather minimums (scud running), night currency, or even logging. Don’t get me...

Go or No Go?

Every pilot has been faced with a marginal go/no-go decision. Sometimes it’s marginal weather that, if it gets no worse, is a go. But,...

Remarks: Remembering Checkrides

Recently my wife and I were musing about my checkrides, so I went through them. My private endured loneliness for about 15 years before...

Master Pilot

Perhaps you know of the FAA’s Wright Brothers Master Pilot award recognizing 50 years of safe flying. I looked into it but the documentation...

Circle From An ILS?

Recently a reader wrote to ask me a question that’s been provoking a lot of thought here in the IFR virtual offices. This particular...

Autoland-No Thanks

When you stop and think about it, autoland in GA was inevitable. We’ve had the technology for decades, so it was merely a matter...

Safe, or Not?

The article “Deep Dive into Mins” on Page 16 mentions a change earlier this year by the FAA, allowing us to fly faster than...

“Know When to Fold ‘Em”

Recently I had an e-mail conversation with a friend who’s also been a contributor to these pages. I’ll fictitiously call him “Hal.” Hal started...

You Meet The Nicest People

Last September, my Remarks lamented my experiences with FlyThisSim, trying to get delivery of a simulator I’d paid for long ago. Readers of this...

State of the Industry

Those of you who regularly read my remarks have probably noticed that I don’t often take on global subjects, instead preferring to discuss narrow...