
Got Autopilot?

The morning flight there was uneventful. Not so for the return that afternoon.

On the Air—September 2024

For your August OTA I sent you the photo (repeated here) of the Gulfstream that was towed to parking, but the ground crew neglected...

IFR Quiz—September 2024

Occasionally it’s good to go back and review the basics. This quiz shares wake-turbulence information you may not know. Don’t let one catch you by surprise.

Autumn in the Southwest

Heading to California? Arizona? Nevada? Even Utah, Colorado, or New Mexico? We’ve got the perfect article for you.

It Doesn’t Always Work

No glidepath, short runway? No problem, at least on paper. Still gotta have skill, not just the numbers, to take on a challenging approach—and always have a Plan B.

SUA Collision Avoidance

How vigilant do you need to be in special use airspace? After touring McGuire Air Force Base tower, radar approach control, and base operations, I’d say, “very.”

Thunderstorms and ATC

Thunderstorm avoidance is important to pilots, sure, but did you know that it’s also a critical activity for air traffic controllers?