
Should I Be Doing This?

Many times in these pages we’ve discussed the disconnect of safe versus legal. As our regs guru, Mark Kolber, in this issue covers lost-comm...


The frontal system is somewhat of an elephant in the room. We talk about the weather it produces. We point to where it’s located...

Don’t Sim Like You Fly

Obviously, there is no replacement for an airplane to stay current and proficient. But when you sim, don’t treat the sim like an airplane. There’s a difference.

IFR Quiz—December 2024

Performance-based navigation focuses on an aircraft’s performance capabilities instead of its navigation sensors.

Gotchas in Paradise

Knowing Good and Evil was a problem in the original Paradise, but around the PDZ VOR, managing direction, altitude, and what’s next is your only hope of success.

One in, One Out—Why?

You’re stuck on the ramp waiting to go, many planes ahead of you, arrivals holding and waiting on departures, departures waiting on arrivals. Whassupwidat?

AI in Avionics

Artificial intelligence is the current darling of high-tech and we’re seeing its influence everywhere. Does artificial intelligence have a place in an airplane?