
Training & Sims

Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 4

You can think of your sim like a desktop operating system: By itself, it’s not extremely useful; only when you install third-party applications on...

IFR Muscle Builders

In the opening phases of World War II, our country was feverishly training pilots for war. Thousands of cadets earned coveted US Army Air...

Augmented Reality

These Sim Challenges have been accused of creating “gotchas” to catch the unsuspecting—and rightly so. That’s part of the game. So we decided it...

You Can’t Rush Things

Flying in the system is about, well, flying, and not so much about checking the boxes of 14 CFR Part 91-fill-in-the-blank. Yet the rules...

Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 3

Last time in this series on building a home simulator we said that Part Three would discuss adding third-party extensions to your basic sim....

Hey, You Can’t Do That!

There’s an old joke about the retired airline pilot who checks out in a Cessna 172 after years of flying heavy iron. The pilot...

In the SIM in Social

Annual recurrent simulator training takes multiple forms. For more advanced aircraft, typically turboprops and jet aircraft, that training takes place at a large formal...

Redbird Pro Early Look

When your instrument ticket was brand new your skills were ultra-sharp. But over time, winter doldrums, aircraft maintenance, etc. that proficiency atrophied. Indeed, research...

Stuck with a Visual

Flying a reliable but legacy-equipped airplane, you’re looking for a way to make it into Tucker-Guthrie Memorial Airport, Harlan, Kentucky, (I35) with an IFR...

Round Dials To Tapes

Recently we heard from a salty aviator having trouble flying his Aspen PFD even though he’s had it for years. Adding to his frustration,...

Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 2

Assume you’re about to buy a new airplane. All the pre-buy inspections came back clean, the money cleared out of escrow, and you’re already...

Low Clouds at Altitude

For this sim challenge, we’re back in the mountains because it’s just so much fun in the sim. You’ll fly two short hops over...