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Tornadic Storms

Whether you’re in meteorology school or ground school, the tornado undoubtedly captures the attention. I’ve often noticed how a room goes silent when a...

When the Wind Blows

There’s no phenomena that shapes the flying experience quite like wind. It’s almost always present in some form. A crosswind makes for tricky landings,...

Take Your Time

Scenic trips over the mountains out west often require creative flight planning. The smaller the aircraft, the more “scenic” the trip. That’s the whole...

Forecast Models

From the 1930s until the 1980s, many pilots got their weather briefings from a meteorologist at a flight service station or airline dispatch counter....

GOES Satellite Imagery

You’ve probably heard someone tossing around the term “GOES satellite” at one time or another. This refers to a NOAA satellite program that has...

The Severe Storm

Strong thunderstorms are one of the places aviation and fear often intersect. And for good reason: severe storms have led to countless disasters, perhaps...

Frontal Weather

Now that we’re staring at the weather picture from the depths of winter, perhaps you've been re-acquainted with how fronts make an impact on...

Changing of the Guard

You’re flying along, listening to a controller issue instructions to many aircraft. From one second to the next, you suddenly start hearing a different...

Ice Is Not Nice

Icing affects flight operations in many ways. Accordingly, we offer some thought-provoking reports from pilots who’ve been there. Little has been said about instrument...

Vertical Air Movement

Heading into another winter season, our thoughts begin shifting to cold-weather flying hazards—fog, icing, and widespread precipitation. Most pilot training considers each of these...

Reading the Sky

Part of being able to forecast comes from reading the sky, because so much of what's taking place in the atmosphere can be seen...

Tropical Weather

Entering the dog days of summer, our attention shifts to the south. Rich moisture, weaker winds, and an increase in thunderstorms are classic signs...