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Custom Checklists

There’s some misinformation out there, so let’s be clear: In Part 91, you are permitted to make your own checklist. But if you do, there are things to consider.
The task table itself remains unchanged in the proposed amendment, but the column headers are renamed to Required Area of Operation and Required Task(s).

Instrument ACS Update

Shortly after we published our update on making ACS regulatory (March 2024 issue), the FAA finalized the change. Here’s what you need to know.

Where’s My Print Issue?

You will not be receiving a print copy of the July issue of IFR. The issue is fully available to download normally from IFR-Magazine.com...

Martin State

Long a favorite of instructors and examiners alike, it’s time we dug into this unusual and seemingly one-off approach, at least to broaden your understanding.

Safety Alerts

The last thing you want to hear from ATC is “Traffic!” or “Terrain!”, but it can happen when you least expect it. So be ready, know what to expect … and how ATC can help.

Readback—July 2024

Engine Failure Proficiency I read with interest your March Remarks, “Staying Proficient.” As a CFI, one of the things I enjoy doing is teaching at...

Building Judgment

There are two types of proficiency needed today for competent instrument flight. Of course, you must fly solely by reference to the instruments in...

On The Air—June 2024

Quite a few years ago, I was flying my Mooney on the short hop from San Antonio International Airport to Kerrville Municipal Airport. It...

Forecast Models

Today’s weather forecasting makes use of mathematical models. Let’s dig into some of the more common ones to understand what they’re telling us.

A Closer Look

It’s common to auto-fill the alternate box with a nearby airport that meets legal weather and fuel requirements. But sometimes, a better alternate can be found nearby.

GPS Jamming, Spoofing

Rarely do we have days without notice of deliberate GPS interference somewhere in the U.S., usually from the military. But that’s only one source of GPS errors.

IFR Quiz—June 2024

Occasionally it’s good to go back and review the basics. This quiz shares wake-turbulence information you may not know. Don’t let one catch you by surprise.