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GPS Nav Problems

These pages often contain encouragement to pilots not to become so completely reliant on GPS that its loss constitutes no less than an emergency....

Flight Plans

How many of you file your own flight plan? How many of you file VFR flight plans? Of course, airlines have their own operations...

PDC: File, Read, Fly

Pre-Departure Clearance or PDC is an FAA computer service that provides clearance information in text form to your tablet in the cockpit via Boeing...

Sua Jungle

Special Use Airspace often must be avoided, but what if you need to cross military airways, or even fly into a Military Operations Area?...

Putting Pieces in Place

In the grand scheme of air traffic control, Ground Control sometimes seems to be a supporting position. Radar’s taking fast-moving arrival streams and forging...

Which Three Approaches?

Aeronautical experience requirements for the coveted instrument rating include a dual cross country flight. On February 28, 2022, the FAA Chief Counsel rescinded two...

Who’s Who in the Tower

Pilots have a general sense of who is on the other end of the radio, but controllers have a different internal name for the...

Flight Plan Follies

While pilots and air traffic controllers work with each other daily, perhaps we don’t often think about the nitty-gritty details and problem-solving taking place...

Master Your Medical

Maybe it’s time to renew your medical certificate or even obtain your first. The first step is to complete the online application at MedXPress.faa.gov....

5G vs Rad Alt Politics

Airlines and other operators have been using rad alts in safety-critical and supplemental applications for decades without having to worry about data corruption from...

Reinventing NOTAMS

Air Canada Flight 759 almost landed at night on a taxiway adjacent to closed SFO Runway 28L on July 7, 2017. At the last...

Coping with CAMI

FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM) in Washington, D.C., led by Dr. Susan Northrup, the Federal Air Surgeon, has jurisdiction over CAMI. The divisions...