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Readback – April 2024

How Do Ya Spell That? In Elaine Kauh’s article, “Plans Change,” in the January issue of IFR Magazine, there is an error in the route...

IFR Quiz—April 2024

Occasionally it’s good to go back and review the basics. This quiz shares wake-turbulence information you may not know. Don’t let one catch you by surprise.

Briefing – April 2024

Flight Training Fatalities Cut In Half Flight training fatalities have been cut in half in the last 20 years according to stats compiled by AOPA...


During the pandemic, we suffered increased lead times for things. Generally, these lengthy lead times were called “supply chain problems” or just “supply chain.”...


Stability and instability are responsible for much of the weather we encounter. But what exactly does all that mean?

Make the Call

When’s the last time you reviewed your lost-com procedures? It can still happen...

Conquering Biases

No, we’re not departing from aviation-related information to give you a lesson in political correctness. But certain pilot biases can cause trouble.

Trim Runaway

Trim runaway is a serious—occasionally fatal—system malfunction. We look at what causes it and what you can do to handle it.

On the Air—March 2024

“What are you doing in Atlanta Class B without authorization?”

Improving the NAS

See what change looks like, where you can identify safety gaps in the National Airspace System, and how to make change.

ACS Might Be Regulatory

Even if you got your instrument rating 30 years ago, this still affects you since the requirements for an IPC are in the ACS.

IFR Quiz—March 2024

Occasionally it’s good to go back and review the basics. This quiz shares wake-turbulence information you may not know. Don’t let one catch you by surprise.