IFR QuizIFR Quiz: October 2022By Fred Simonds - Published: September 10, 2022 Updated: September 19, 20220PrintEmailFacebookTwitter October 2020 Quiz1. Where are you? a. About 2.5 NM past JAQYY b. About 3.7 NM from the missed approach point. c. About 1.7 NM from the missed approach point. d. I dunno. Hopefully ATC does.2. How would your present altitude compare to the planned glideslope, if it were working? a. Above glideslope b. On glideslope c. Below glideslope d. Way below … and watch out for that boat mast3. If you'd started the approach at a higher altitude than desired, what would be a good plan? a. Just descend in the holding pattern at KUTHO. b. Fly the approach high and then bleed off the rest while circling. c. Do a few descending 360s since you’re in VMC over open water. d. Request permission to descend in the KUTHO holding pattern.4. If you lost sight of the runway and missed (imagine what the reporters would say!), how should you fly the missed approach? a. Climb to 2800 on a heading of 180, then direct STT. b. Turn to a heading of 180, then keep the turn going direct STT while continuing to climb to 2800. c. To be on the safe side and not start a turn too low to the ground, climb straight ahead to 2800 before turning. d. As dramatically as possible, with a nonchalant southern drawl in case the news has a radio.5. What are the "false illusory indications" that the note plan view refers to? a. A tendency to fly approaches too high and overshoot the runway. b. A tendency to fly approaches too low and come up short (and wet). c. A pattern of ground lights near the airport has been mistaken for the runway. d. The approach is haunted?6. What type of approach lighting system is available? a. MIRL b. PAPI c. MALSF d. Nonstandard lead-in lights e. NADA, also known as “you’re on your own”7. What do the oval shaps located roughly in the middle of the runway shown on the airport diagram indicate? a. The displaced threshold for Runway 10 b. The displaced threshold for Runway 28 c. Point of no return when going around visually d. Arresting net for military aircraft8. True or False. While glying over water, your radar altimeter will be unreliable. True False9. If, instead of the runway, you saw a familiar green-white beacon flashing through the thinning clouds. You should: a. Head straight towards it. b. Look for the runway to the left of the light. c. Look for the runway to the right of the light. d. Query ATC10. As the center of gravity moves aft, it ______ pitch stability and ______ true airspeed. a. increases, increases b. increases, decreases c. decreases, increases d. decreases, decreasesNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ