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JFK’s Canarsie Approach

At first look, the title VOR or GPS RWY 13L/R approach presumes a straight-in approach to two runways or that the final approach...

Download The Full October 2023 Issue PDF

  • Altitude Preselect
  • JFK’s Canarsie Approach
  • Quiz: Hypoxia
  • Challenging Upgrade
  • Mixing It Up
  • Wind Shear

Download The Full September 2023 Issue PDF

  • Proficiency Maneuvers
  • Logging Sim Time
  • Special VFR
  • Quiz: Choosing Alternates
  • Belt, Suspenders, Rope
  • Don't Ignore NOTAMs
  • Hurricanes

Download The Full August 2023 Issue PDF

  • Island Hoping
  • Autopilot Trim
  • In a Pickle
  • Quiz: NTSB Part 830
  • Runway Incursions
  • Seeing is Believing
  • Nowcasting

Download The Full July 2023 Issue PDF

  • ATC Zero
  • Chart Subtleties
  • What Is VMC? 
  • Quiz: AIM Changes
  • ATC Saves the Day
  • Just a Little Different
  • Summer Weather

Download The Full June 2023 Issue PDF

  • Smooth Way Down
  • ATC Uses Checklists Too
  • Circling Revisited
  • Fuel Blunders
  • Quiz: Oh Say Can You See
  • Those Grey Areas
  • Convection

Download The Full May 2023 Issue PDF

  • Two Up, Two Down
  • Nail The Speed=Good Landing
  • Who Changed Your Route?
  • How’s Your Scan?
  • Right Approach Speeds
  • Flight Plan Route
  • Quiz: Comms
  • Near Midair Collisions
  • Done That lately?
  • Brief Like a Forecaster

Download The Full April 2023 Issue PDF

  • Radar Revisited
  • Cancel with Runway in Sight?
  • Try to Avoid the EMAS
  • Even Sims can be VMC
  • Towerless Tribulations
  • The Airport Diagram
  • IFR Muscle Builders
  • Potpourri Quiz
  • Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 4
  • Drilling Down

Download The Full March 2023 Issue PDF

  • Avionics Systems Issues
  • Don’t Hit The Ground
  • Random Holds
  • Quiz: En-Route IFR
  • Altitude Discretion
  • Dilemmas At Dusk
  • The Southern Plains

Download The Full February 2023 Issue PDF


Download The Full January 2023 Issue PDF

  • Stupid Pilot Tricks
  • Incommunicado
  • Paradoxical Minimums
  • Quiz: Aeronautical Charts
  • GPS Nav Problems
  • You Can’t Rush Things
  • Winter Storms

Download The Full December 2022 Issue PDF

  • Unreliable Airspeed
  • Electronic ATIS and clearance
  • Find your practical balance
  • Useful surface charts
  • Flight Plans
  • PDC: File, Read, Fly
  • Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 3
  • How Your Senses Lie to You
  • Don’t Cancel Yet
  • Reading Surface Charts