Fly IFR in busy airspace and eventually youll have one of those much ado about nothing experiences. It starts with a clearance you dutifully put in your navigator-and then repeatedly change or completely ignore until you get a clearance to resume the plan you were given at the start.
Threats and errors
Airlines, large corporate flight departments and the FAA all have a sufficiently vested interest in keeping aviation safe that they dump money into safety research. Because pilot error is one of the leading killers, it stands to reason that the biggest opportunity for improving safety comes from reducing pilot errors.
Hey buddy, got a light?
Paul Smith was boring through the dark of night in a Cessna 182, heading in to Shelton, Wash. He kept fumbling with his red-lensed flashlight to read his charts or write something on his kneeboard and, in that great entrepreneurial spirit, thought, There has to be a better way.
What drives Tower Nuts
Ive got a Cessna 172 rolling out on the runway, an American Eagle Embraer 145 on two-mile final, a Beechcraft Bonanza in the downwind with a pair of V-22 Osprey tiltrotors inbound to follow, a Lifeflight medical helicopter departing a hospital next door, and a pair of Navy T-45 Goshawk jet trainers calling me, ready at the hold short line.
Handling ILS anomalies
Our CRJ-200 was sliding down through an overcast layer, following the glideslope to Runway 28 at Chicago OHare. Everything was normal, just like it always is. My airline job means I make this approach a couple of times a week.
Maximizing Datalink
Maximizing DatalinkThere's plenty more to using datalink weather than, "Don't fly through the red stuff." By layering information, you can build a more complete...
Precautionary Diverts
Its probably happened to you: Something en route made you consider not continuing to your intended destination. Now youre faced with the myriad choices of why, when, where and how to divert.
Back in the Game
Every pilot is inspired to fly for different reasons—personal and technical challenge, freedom and new perspectives, civilian or military professional career paths.My flight school...
View From Both Sides
The successful completion of an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) combines the knowledge and personality traits of both the instructor and pilot.As we intercepted the...
The GPS/ILS Approach
A flying friend of mine likes to say that you know you're into something interesting when you have to sign a waiver beforehand. In...
Gettin Older
Concerns about pilot aging are just as important for the younger pilot as for the more silver-haired among us. The US population is getting...
Obstacle Clearance
When we think of GPS-based instrument approaches, we usually lump all the approach minima into a single "GPS approach" bucket. We tend to mentally...